學前教育是少兒教育的重要一環。18年前,“互滿愛人與人”組織駐華代表、德國教育家邁克爾?海爾曼來到云南省鎮康縣,與當地政府一起,開啟了提升中國鄉村兒童學前教育質量的實踐。18年持續不斷的努力和投入,給當地學前教育帶來哪些變化和成果?回看18年的經歷,海爾曼又有怎樣的感慨?帶著這些問題,中國外文局主持人Jack Klumpp(柯魯瀚)來到云南,與邁克爾?海爾曼一起,在行走中尋找答案。
As avital portion ofchildren’s education, preschool education has been receiving increasing attention from the Chinese government, especially thatin rural areas. At present, China’s kindergarten enrollment rate has progressed to a new level of 89.7 percent. In China’s southwestern Yunnan province particularly, remarkable efforthas been investedin ensuringrural children receive high-quality early education. 18years ago,Michael Herman, an education expert from Germany, came to Zhenkang County ofYunnan,China. What results have been achieved in his 18-year experience and cooperation with the local government? What does Herman feel when looking back on his team’s enduring support in Yunnan?With these questions in mind, China Matters’ American host Jack Klumpp came to Taozi Villagein Yunnan, together with Herman, to seek the answers of howpreschool education in Yunnan is witnessing continuous progress.